Ongoing Research: Imaging The Future, Now

  • Spinal Malformations Consensus Group

    Standardising nomenclature and developing classifications.

    There is currently no unifying clinically meaningful classification of spinal malformations. We aim to develop a prognostic, morphological classification of spinal malformations by drawing together controversies from neuroradiology, neurosurgery, urology, and developmental biology. We also aim to further understand the biology of these malformations through tissue sampling and genetic testing.

  • Contact screening in suspected child physical abuse

    A global protective effort.

    In comparison with the general population, the siblings of children with suspected abusive head trauma (AHT) are at a much higher risk of inflicted injuries. There are, however, a lack of clear guidelines as to how the radiologist and clinical team should screen such children for injuries. Our international modified DELPHI consensus survey aims to fill this knowledge gap with clear, concise, and pragmatic guidance.

  • Dandy-Walker Phenotype

    Defining a modern neuroimaging phenotype.

    Despite being the most common malformation of the posterior fossa, Dandy-Walker Malformation is poorly understood in terms of its aetiology and poorly defined in terms of phenotypic definition. We aim to characterise the neuroimaging spectrum of Dandy-Walker Malformations in a standardised manner and to develop a prognostic grading system to inform management.

  • GPI Anchor Deficiency Disorders

    Defining a modern clinicoradiological phenotype.

    Congenital disorders of glycosylation are rare causes of genetic epilepsy. We aim to systematically characterise their neuroimaging phenotype and clinical characteristics in a standardised manner.